NCC Roads AB
NCC Roads is a business area in the NCC Group - one of the leading construction and property- development companies in the Nordic Region.
NCC Roads´core business is the production of aggregates and asphalt as well as asphalt paving and road services. Sales in 2009 totalled SEK 10,3 billion (1 050 MEURO) and operating profit of SEK 387 M (39,5 MEURO at 1 EURO = 9,8 SEK). NCC Roads´core business is the production of aggregates and asphalt as well as asphalt paving and road services. The primary markets are the Nordic countries, where Sweden is the single largest market. The business area is divided into six business units; Sweden Southwest, Sweden East, Sweden North, Norway, Finland and Denmark. NCC Roads is also active in the St. Petersburg area. Typical customers are construction companies and central or local government authorities, which contract NCC for the paving of public highway networks. A growing market is maintenance, reconstruction and improvement of existing roads.
A key success factor for NCC Roads is having control over the entire value chain, from aggregates and asphalt to paving and road services.
NCC is increasingly offering public-sector customers total package undertakings, known as function based contracts, which include long-term planning of resources for the production, servicing and maintenance of road networks over a number of years.
The NCC Roads environmental goals include the support of the construction of a healthy, human friendly environment. One measure to achieve this is promoting development of "Quiet roads", which is clearly expressed in the strategy documents.