TNO Built Environment and Geosciences/Environment and Health

TNO was established by law in 1932 in order to support companies and government that did not have their own R&D capacity. The primary tasks of TNO are to support and assist trade and industry, government authorities and others in technological innovation and technical solutions. TNO Built Environment and Geosciences. How do we in such a small, densely populated country like the Netherlands use the space it has in an optimum, sustainable way? TNO investigates how that space and the built environment can best be organised, used and managed, and how the natural mineral resources in the subsurface can best be put to use. TNO Built Environment and Geosciences spearheads knowledge development on the management and use of the subsurface and the subsurface natural resources, renewable energy and energy efficiency, mobility and logistics, the development and renewal of urban and rural infrastructure and regional development. The Department of Environment and Health has an international database an effects of noise that is used to support noise policy, in the Netherlands as well as in other countries, and in the EU.
E-mail: sabine.janssen@tno.nl